Humanity care and support Services
HumanityCSS is a registered provider that specialises in providing care and support for vulnerable adults as well as people requiring personal care. It provides a unique operational care in a way that will always be sensitive to the needs of service users, respecting their choices and demands. The service users also include elderly people, those with a disability and those needing assistance due to illness, thus enabling them to continue living in their own home and community. The support of our trained staff will maintain their welfare, provide them with daily living skills, support their emotional needs and personal care whilst maintaining a level of independence at home that empowers the individual.<
Humanity Care service provides out of hour emergency service: the carers from our Rapid Response Care will be available 24/7.
– The service users will always have the same carers (we will avoid having different carers looking after a service user.)
– The visit will always take place at the time chosen by the service user, based on their individual care plan.
– We will work closely with other external agencies to provide psychosocial interventions as well as working holistically rather than focusing solely on personal care.
– Our service will be provided within 48 hours of the Service user’s initial request.
– Our staff will be given regular debriefings, supervision and trainings.
– Recruiting the right people is a fundamental part of our success: our care teams not only need best practice knowledge, skills and experience, but should also demonstrate empathy, warmth, compassion as well as excellent listening and communication skills.
All our training focuses on promoting empathy and understanding as well as using strategies to promote wellbeing. Below is a list of all the mandatory trainings our staff receives:
- Skills for Care Common Induction
- Fire Safety
- Food Hygiene
- First Aid
- Health & Safety
- Infection Control
- Manual Handling
- Safeguarding (Protection of vulnerable adults)
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards for People Lacking Mental Capacity
- Specialised training as required
The area covered will be London Borough Southwark